Saturday, March 19, 2011


Torment (Fallen, #2)
Just finished reading Lauren Kate's Torment. (It's Book 2 in the Fallen series.) And it was really good!!! It was slow to start, just like the first one, but that's not necessarily a bad thing, in this case. I love-love-love Kate's writing style (I want to be like her when I grow up!) because of the way she describes things. Its not just that she is descriptive, its her unique way of describing them. None of it is cliche and its always so exactly right for what you need to really "Get" that scene. Like when she describes Daniel's wings unfurling, and the way out sounds like this: "thwump. Like a duvet cover being snapped open over a bed." I loved that one!
The characters are all fun and interesting, too, and the wedge that's driven between Luce and Daniel is so much deeper than most YA romance. It's believable and you're not even sure where you, as the reader, stand on whether you want them to end up together or not. And you can understand why Luce has a hard time with it all, and relate to even her bad choices. I love that Kate has made that possible, even with all the twists and turns she leads us into and around.
Also- I have to say how much I adore her covers. They're so amazing! I love the girl, and that you can't see her face. Because I like being able to use my imagination for that, so these covers give you just enough. And they're dark and paranormal-ish, and somehow give the emotion that the title is trying to convey, all at once. LOVE it!
So, FOUR stars, and I'm impatiently waiting for the next book in the series, due out this summer: Passion.

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