Thursday, June 16, 2011

World News on Twitter

Whew. Ohymygosh. Thank Goodness!! One of my two computers is back up and running. Going almost a week without a computer has been really hard. My palms go sweaty at random times and all I can think is that the rest of the world knows tons of new stuff that I haven't heard about yet because I can't get on Twitter or Facebook. Anyway, my hubby is a super smart nerdy genius (I say that with lots of love because sometimes being a nerd is HOT!) and he's fixed one of the two. The other is on the list for this weekend so keep your fingers crossed for me because that was the one that held all my zillion notes and spreadsheets having to do with book reviewers and contests, etc that I may or may not be doing for my books at any given time. YES, I've heard of backing up your work. NO, I never got around to backing up Excel spreadsheets. YES, that makes me an idiot, now. SHUTUP.

And since I feel out of the loop, I dont even know what to talk about because I don't know what's going on right now. I mean, I know about the yucky Twitter comments made by a certain NYT author several days ago. Are all the indies still pissed about that? And I know that Amazon suddenly, and with zero warning, added 'tagging' back, and kept the tags that were already in place before they'd removed the tags in the first place. Does anybody else have an opinion on that?

Here's the big news on Planet Heather: Today's going to be a big day for my family. As I've said before, my hubby is in the Navy, and right now, the Navy is cutting back. Which means, even if you don't want to get out, some of us are getting 'pushed out' at the end of our enlistment. The civilian world would call it 'laid off'. We've put in a request to stay in at the end of his term in December and so far we've been denied. You can only re-submit your request so many times and today we will hear the answer for our FINAL submission. If they say no, he's out in December. Like I said, laid off. So I'm stressing because that's what I do, and because I'm a mom, and because I'm PREGNANT and due in, yup, DECEMBER. Great timing right? So cross your fingers because all I can think is 'I do NOT want to get a day job again!' Which means: I need to sell A LOT of books. Starting right about... now. Which also means I need to write more and since my computers are having issues, which prevents that, the least you could do is buy a book in the meantime. =)

So. Now that I'm sitting here bouncing my knee up and down to the rhythm of my stressed out heartbeat, I'm going to go. I would've written more but I'm too stressed and I don't want to keep rambling about my own personal crap. Plus, I need to go surf Twitter and find out all the world news I've missed in the last few days and get caught up. Maybe then, next time I blog, I'll have something interesting to add to whatever current events are being discussed. Maybe. Or maybe I'll make something up. That's really my motto:
If you don't have anything nice to say, make it up.

Or something like that. Oh one last thing: There's a massive giveaway going on at with Katja. Lots of books being given away (at least 30 I think) including a signed paperback of Dirty Blood and an ebook of Across The Galaxy, so head over there to enter for one or five or whatever. It's going on through July so check it out and tell a friend.


  1. Yes, being a nerd can be WAY hot! I always tell my hubs that he's the coolest geek I've ever met! I'm crossing my fingers that you get all your data back!

    Oh, and some guy said he read on some guy's blog that that guy had talked to Amazon's CEO and said that it was just a glitch in Amazon's system. Tags were never supposed to go anywhere. Crazy right!?

    Good luck with the Navy! Hopefully, it will all work out.

    Angeline Kace

  2. Wow Heather! I felt your stressed out heart beat through the computer. Tough times are never easy especially on moms. And moms that are pregnant...forget about it!

    At least you do have a nerd for a husband (I do to and you're right, they are hot)they seem to be pretty good at making plans to fall back on:)
